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Treatment Information



Administering Botulinum Toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time.



Smooth wrinkles on the face by relaxing the muscles. 


Treatment areas;

Forehead, frown lines (Glabellar region), crows feet, smokers lines, lip line, bunny lines (around the nose), nose tip lift, masseter reduction/jaw slimming (clenched jaw), marionette lines, gummy smile, neck bands, chin, smile lift and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).


Results take up to 2 weeks. A single treatment can last between 3-4 months, however, most clients wait 6 months between treatments. 



- Skin Infections

- Feeling unwell

- Certain medications

- Pregnant or breastfeeding

- If you have a neuromuscular condition like myasthenia gravis.




Using a natural substance hyaluronic acid (HA).



Plump up wrinkles, smooth lines and restore facial volume (facial fat pad restoration which we lose naturally with age).


Treatment areas;

Lip augmentation, marionettes, nasolabial, jawline, chin, cheeks.


Results are instant and can last up to 24 months. Treatment is completely reversible.



- Anaphylaxis; (Lidocaine free options are available)

- Medication interactions; avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

- Pregnant or breast feeding.




Profhilo; Pure high grade Hyaluronic acid (HA) 



Skin laxity reduction, volume restoration, increased firmness, stimulates collagen and elastin production, hydrates, overall youthful radiance.


Treatment areas;

Face, neck, chest, hands, arms, knees, feet.


Results can be seen at their best when having two treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. Lasts from 9 – 12 months.



- Bleeding disorders

- Immune compromised disorders

- Pregnant or breast feeding




Lumi Eyes; Polynucleotides (obtained from purified salmon milk DNA)



Reduction or elimination of under eye bags, dark circles and wrinkles. 


Treatment areas;

Rejuvenation of eye area.


Results take 3-4 days. 



- Pregnant or breast feeding

- Anaphylaxis




Aqualyx a fat digesting enzyme, deoxycholate



Non-surgical reduction of localised fat. Targets difficult fatty areas. The body expels the released fatty acids naturally.


Treatment areas;

Any area with fat pockets such as, thighs, below the buttocks, chin, stomach, hips, back and knees 


Results can be seen in one treatment.



- Pregnancy or breast feeding.

- Anaphylactic

- Allergies

- Auto-immune disease

- Diabetic

- Acute or chronic skin disease

- Blood thinning medications





Help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Improves enlarged pores, reducing blackheads. Reduces uneven skin tone (hiperpigmentation and depigmentation). Minimize stretch marks, scars, wrinkles and other skin concerns. It doesn't carry the risk of skin discolouration like other procedures. Treatment used for acne and rosacea.  Stimulates collagen and elastin production and natural skin regeneration. 


Treatment areas;

Face, chest, back, legs, neck or other areas where you notice damaged or aging skin.


Results last approximately 12 weeks.



- Acne breakout

- Blood disorders

- Cancer and receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy

- Frequent skin rashes (contact dermatitis) or cold sores

- Keloidal tendancy

- Moles, freckles, skin tags or other growths that change in size or shape or bleed

- Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

- Diabetes

- High blood pressure

- Liver diseases

- Autoimmune diseases

- Hepatitis

- Herpes simplex





Vitamins, enzymes, hormones and plant extracts



Helps the skin to rejuvenate and repair itself. Treats cellulite, stretch marks, dry and flaky skin, ageing skin, dark circles around the eyes, pigmented sun-damaged skin (age/liver spots). Also treatment for acne and rosacea and uneven skin tone.


Treatment areas;

All microneedling areas.


Results from the first session.



- Heart abnormalities

- Blood clotting problems

- Platelet abnormalities

- Anticoagulant therapy

- Facial cancer (past or present)

- Chemotherapy

- Facial skin diseases 







Helps energy levels, brain function, boosting mood, improving metabolism, and weight loss. Can help to prevent the associated complications of deficiency, including heart disease, coordination problems, vision loss, infertility, neurocognitive disorders and peripheral neuropathy. 

An injection has a higher level of absorption, by bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Particularly beneficial to the over 65 age group.

B12 can help prevent the loss of neurons associated with memory reduction. Some studies suggest it can even slow down the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


Treatment areas;

Single injection administered in either upper arm or buttock.


Results can take up to 2 weeks, however, many notice a difference within 48hrs.


Please note; B12 injections can interact with or interfere with some medications.




Intraline Mono 

Intraline Spiral



They relax muscles and tendons. The immune system's response to a foreign body improves blood flow to the area, which stimulates the production of new collagen in your skin. 

Tightens and thickens the skin, improves texture, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


Mono – thread for lifting and rejuvenation

Spiral – for volume, helps produce greater amounts of collagen. 


Treatment areas;

Forehead lines, drooping eyebrows, sagging jowls, ageing skin


Results typically take 1-2 months after treatment and can last up to 2 years.


No down time



- Autoimmune diseases

- Pregnancy

- Keloid scarring

- Active infections or illness.

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